In an annual tradition that began in the late 1990s, Kondex associates were recently given the opportunity to donate to local causes. This year, associates raised $2,190 for the Lomira Area Food Pantry, Giving Tree, and Friends of Lomira Parks Project! These contributions were matched by Kondex for a total donation of $4,380. In the case of the Pantry and Giving Tree, the monies will not only be used to distribute food and holiday gifts, but also help towards things like rent, utilities, medical/dental expenses, and/or gas to those in need within our community. The Park Project funds will be put towards additional playground equipment, as well as its installation and playground surfacing.
(Top) Kondex President Keith Johnson (left) presents the check of associate donations with Kondex match to Lomira Compassionate Fund Chairman Ralph Germain; (Bottom) and to members of Friends of Lomira Parks (left-right) President Jenny Priesgen, Treasurer Nancy More, and Vice President Jessica Loomans
Both the Food Pantry and Giving Tree charities are part of the Compassionate Fund, chaired by Ralph Germain and housed at Trinity United Methodist Church. The Pantry is typically open the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month; however, Christmas alters that schedule a bit this year. For assistance or to volunteer, please contact Ralph at 920-979-3041. To learn more about the Friends of Lomira Parks initiative, please visit the Friends of Lomira Parks Facebook page.